Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI)

Many Essentia Health professionals, such as physicians, scientists, nurses and research assistants, may be involved in federally funded research projects. These professionals are required to disclose to Essentia Health significant financial interests they may have. To meet regulatory requirements for Public Health Service (PHS) funded research, researchers must disclose to Essentia Health any interest or situation that conflicts, may conflict, or appears to conflict, with Essentia Health’s interests, including the integrity of human subjects research activities and use of external research/grant funds. Essentia Health reviews all disclosed significant financial interests. If there exists a situation in which a financial interest may affect a research project, it is a financial conflict of interest (FCOI) and a plan to manage the FCOI is implemented.

How to Request Information

To request information related to research funded by the Public Health Service (PHS) or National Institutes of Health (NIH), please submit your request in writing to:; or to the Research Conflict of Interest Office.

Research Conflict of Interest Office
c/o Essentia Health Organizational Integrity & Compliance
421 North 6th Avenue East
Duluth, MN 55805

The request must include the following information:

  • Investigator’s Full Name
  • Research Project Title
  • PHS grant number, if possible

Contact Information

For more information or questions about Essentia Health industry relationships, you may contact Essentia Health's Organizational Integrity & Compliance Department, at 218-786-1172 or

View our Financial Conflict of Interest Research Policy for more information.


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